Pack Meeting & Adopt-a-Family

In December our Pack meeting will be a week earlier than normal so there are a couple items I wanted to communicate with a little over a week until the meeting.


This year the church has asked if we could provide gift-cards for them to distribute to families in need rather than adopting a specific family. There is a great need for gift cards for food (Hy-Vee, Dahls, Fareway), gas (Casey’s, BP, Kum & Go), and personal hygiene (Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target). The challenge is to see if we can collect 50 cards in various amounts ($5, $10, $20, $50) to help support the Sacred Heart community. Please bring your donations to the December 3rd Pack meeting and we will decorate a tree with the gift cards. For those of you who purchase cards through the school Script program it is very easy to support both the school and a family in need this holiday season.

Pack Meeting and Popcorn Pizza Party

We will have the pizza party the boys earned for meeting their popcorn sales goal at our December meeting. Five boys will get to throw a whip cream pie and one lucky boy will win an IPad Mini. Remember to continue to enter your Scout’s achievements into ScoutTrack. In order to be recognized for this meeting please have everything entered into the system by this Wednesday, November 27th so our Advancement Chair will have time to pick up awards. For those of you who have issues with ScoutTrack we will have a laptop at the Pack meeting so you can enter any requirements earned for the January meeting.

Reminder of next Pack Meeting:
Tuesday December 3rd
6:00pm – 7:15pm
Sacred Heart Parish Center

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