Popcorn Info

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2014 Pack 95 Popcorn overview

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2014 Pack 95 Popcorn Products

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Last updated 10/03/2014 3:06pm

Location Date Time Spots Available
Hy-Vee 10/4 10:00-11:00 FULL
Hy-Vee 10/4 11:00-12:00 4 2
Hy-Vee 10/4 12:00-1:00 4 2
Hy-Vee 10/4 1:00-2:00 4 2
Dahl’s 10/4 10:00-11:00 2 1
Dahl’s 10/4 11:00-12:00 2 1
Dahl’s 10/4 12:00-1:00 2 1
Dahl’s 10/4 1:00-2:00 FULL
Hy-Vee 10/5 10:00-11:00 FULL
Hy-Vee 10/5 11:00-12:00 4 3
Hy-Vee 10/5 12:00-1:00 4 4
Hy-Vee 10/5 1:00-2:00 4 1
Dahl’s 10/5 10:00-11:00 2 2
Dahl’s 10/5 11:00-12:00 2 2
Dahl’s 10/5 12:00-1:00 2 1
Dahl’s 10/5 1:00-2:00 FULL

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